I've not written much. it's either that I have some spare time but it's fully utilized with watching movies/dramas online (or sometimes doing ntah apa2), OR that I don't have the time but things are spinning in my head like "I have to let this out now!!! nowwww!!!". but the "NOW" didn't permit. too bad.
what happened after June? let's see..... there was the fasting month (Ramadhan). and then Hari Raya. Alhamdulillah, masih lagi ada umur utk sambut Hari Raya thn ni. tp celebrate Hari Raya this year dgn sederhana je. prior to Hari Raya, some people I know were not well (pretty bad condition actually), some other were hospitalized. so for me to be healthy and celebrated Hari Raya, syukur Alhamdulillah (was unwell for a couple of days in the fasting month, I take that as penghapus dosa kecil).
after Raya, the "wedding season" started. or, was that DURING Raya season? every weekend during the month of Syawal ada je kenduri kawen. dh jd cm Open House Raya cum Kenduri Kawen, hihihihi. congratulations to all the newlyweds =) and I attended the wedding of my officemates. the ceremony was held at Kuantan. it was a short 3-days-2-nites trip yg quite last-minute arranged. went to Kuantan after 5pm on Friday (gigih tau nk tempuh jammed blk kerja on Friday from KL nk masuk tol kt Gombak). hotel pn book yg murah je. the wedding was on the Saturday. lps knyg mkn kat kenduri, we went back to hotel, tukar baju, solat & siap2 g jln kt Kuantan. emmm... not actually jln2, pegi tgk wayang sbnrnye. lain feelingnye bila tgk wyg kt kwsn luar fr KL ni.
after wayang, we went to Teluk Chempedak. saja2 nk g tgk pantai & take some crazy photo. we were there dari ptg around pkl6lbh smpai la membawa ke nearly pkl8. then it was just the right time utk MAKAAAAAAAAAANNNN, yeahhh!!! this was my 2nd trip to Kuantan after the first trip to Kuantan I made last year. and I will always come to Kuantan for its seafood. sedap & murah. mmg marvellous la. bersyukur dgn kenikmatan dunia yg sementara ni.
~ this is the most sopan gambar rasanye ~
on Sunday, we checked out early from the hotel, searched for place to have our breakfast and drove dgn sgt bertenang to enjoy our last day before heading back to KL. bertenang yg sgt2 py bertenang la, yg mmg enjoy tgk kiri kanan jalan. we stopped at Pantai Batu Hitam first. saja2 berdiri tepi pantai & enjoy the sea breeze. & of course took some crazy photo, hihihihih. sempat jgk beli air kelapa & duduk minum kt tepi pantai tu (we were really in relaxation mode). then we went to buy some keropok lekor & ikan masin kt gerai2 tepi jln. stopped for lunch dkt rumah abg kwn I. org dh ajak, rezeki jgn ditolak. after solat & waited a while for the rain to stop, we drove back to KL.
it was a trip yg mmg "bersantai-tak-payah-pikir-apa2-tapi-singkat-sgt-sbb-3hari-je" :( I'm really grateful for the time, place and ppl that I've spent the time with. it's a very short trip, but as they usually say, "it's short but sweet" =)
I forgot to tell you that that was middle of August this year (14-16). my schedule after that was crazier. will tell you that in the next entry...whenever that may be.
take care. be good.