Monday, November 12, 2012

~ all-time favourite activity ~

"the greatest gift is a passion for reading" - Elizabeth Hardwick
i love to read, am passionate about it, tp i only read books/materials yg i suka, yg i pilih. i hv never been forced to read when i was small. thus, the passion comes naturally 'cz i leh pilih whtever i like. the only limitation is that we were only allowed to buy English books/comics. takpe, xde hal. makanye, "Dennis the menace" comics, Archie & Jughead, Anne of Green Gable and Mr. Pink Whistle's Party... those are among the titles that i read when i was small.
primary school... secondary school... after SPM... masih lg cntinue bc buku citer. i can still remember, while waiting for my SPM result, evry week g kedai buku, pilih 1 buku citer & completed in 1 week. d following week g lg, beli lg 1 & abih in 1 week. d following week g lg & beli lg 1 buku. semua guna duit BAPAK, bkn duit sndiri (mna de duit sndiri pn). by d end of the month, jst realized that my father had to spend nearly rm150 utk i sorg, in a month, just nk beli buku citer bg memenuhkn ms2 lapang i smntara nk tgg result SPM. tu lah, i nk krja parttime x dibagi, hehehehe.
ms matriculation & zmn undergraduate... still bc buku citer. nk exam pn menyelit2 bc buku citer. konon2 nk bg release sket semak kpale byk sgt nk kna hapal. kalo x bc buku citer, i main game. kalo x main game, i bc buku citer. kalo study, gigih kemain bc & HAFAL notes networking, database, coding for sbjct programming. ada la ketidaksukaan membaca notes ms tu sbb related dgn study. jgn tiru perangai sebegini. utk nk lulus exam, xleh xsuka bc buku teks/notes...dgr ckp i ni, hehehe. 
ms wat Masters... hmmmm... hobi bc buku citer kna compete dgn bc JOURNAL ARTICLES...bc RESEARCH PAPERS... bc GUIDELINES... bc mnda2 ilmiah yg ms tu rs cm "waaahhh hbt btul pemikiran diorg ni wt research hebat cenggini. tp awat aku susah sgt nk absorb, nk phm & nk wt summary ni?" nangesssss!!! zmn study ms wat Masters penuh dgn titisan airmata. tp main Zuma tgh2mlm ms septtnye bc articles, xpulak le nanges kn, muahahaha. wt Masters fulltime & krja parttime sbnrnye xde la sesusah wt Masters parttime & krja fulltime. & i salute tinggi ex-opismet yg buat Masters parttime ms dia krja dgn i dulu. mna nk bc notes... nk buat assignmnt... nk g klas lps krja... nk bc buku citer lg... huhuhuhu. xkesah la study on fulltime or parttime basis, yg pntgnye xde menda senang when it comes to studying. so, bertahan jelah (wpn buku2 citer ms tu kna compete dgn mnda2 len).
ms dh krja... bc buku citer kt umah time sambil menyambil tgk tv, tgh mkn or b4 nk tido. on weekends/holidays, lps subuh dh xleh tido tu menyambung le bc buku citer smpi tetiba je buku terlps dr tgn cz dh tertido. nk bc buku citer during office hours, mmg cnfirm le x dpt. bc menda2 len yg terjumpa2 time browsing the internet tu, adalah jugak. tp takut gk nt jd addicted, pdhal dah mmg sah2 le krja mmg xabis2. bnda paling sengal nk bc adalah bc manual/guidelines/technical stuff yg fuhmakaiii memerlukan kesabaran & full concentration & analytical thinking (some of it) smpi kekadang lh buat dahi i berkerut.
it's definitely THE greatest gift that i hv this passion to read, even though i'm being selective of the books/materials that i love to read. however, with our nature of working with books in the library, ppl expect us to read&know more than d rest. oleh itu, haruslah i memantapkan diri & lbh byk bc lg. kna gigih berusaha memupuk minat. tu blom masuk bab nk kna pupuk kesabaran bc menda2 technical yg related to the job (*sigh*). if there's one magic wand that can transform me to be someone who's passionate to read about almost everything, that would b fun-tastic =)
.bc qur'an jgn lupa.

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