i always like to scribble/conteng... that's why i always have a pen in my beg. it's a mechanism where i let go of what's in my mind. kdg2 while doing A, masa tu la terigt ada B, C, D and E yg nk kna buat. so, supaya akn igt, i'll write down all those B, C, D and E. kdg2 masa tgh dgr ceramah/seminar, ada perasan cm "ok nk dgr, tp slides mcm bosan"... so, i'll start conteng dlm kertas apa jelah yg i jumpa. telinga mendgr tp cz visual x menarik, can't help it bila bosan. kdg2 masa tgh duduk2 bosan2, ada mcm2 gmbr imaginative mcm drawing yg i rs cm terpandang2... like, it's really dpn mata, pdhal sbnrnye dlm kpale. so, i'll take out my pen & akn mula conteng.
i usually conteng/scribble kt blkg resit - resit Touch&Go, resit Giant/Tesco, resit kedai mkn, etc2. i don't conteng/scribble dlm kertas besar sbbn tujuan asal conteng adalah just utk let go of what's in my mind, whether it's in list form or drawing. mcm grand sgt je sebut drawing...hish...
kalo conteng/scribble kt blkg resit2/kertas2 kecik, ada possibility amat tinggi yg kertas akn dibuang by sape2 yg terjumpa. yelah... hasil conteng/scribble, org sure igt mnda xpenting. so, i decided to buy a small notebook supaya memudahkan i conteng/scribble when i feel like doing it. this small notebook is now a must-have thing in my beg, selain drpd wallet, henfon, pen and kunci rumah =)
so, inilah hasil2 contengan dlm d small notebook, each of it i bg nma sukati2... sma gk mcm contestant Master Chef bg nama kt food yg diorg masak...
started with this... (on d plane from Melbourne to KL)
then this.... MAPPING
and then this.... ROLLING
followed by this.... TURBULENCE
and this is the latest conteng... COBWEB
i mmg bkn jns yg creative/artistic. sbb tu bg nama/tema pn sukati2 je. melukis lk mmg out. tp hoping that dgn kerja2 conteng ni will improve my drawing skill (now leh ckp drawing, hahaha). berangan ni... kalo dh lma2 i conteng nnt and i makin terer, hoping that adalah among d drawing (masa tu dh jd proper drawing la) yg akn attract org to make it into design for wrapping paper or design kain or cards or book cover.
.should start somewhere so let's start with berangan. hehehehe.
Nice ler Alin :p
thanx :) ada org nk beli x design2 cmtu? hahahaha....
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