i had a wonderful week, started with the engagement ceremony of a dear cousin. mjls adalah sgt ringkas, semua homemade. congratulations to this dear cousin yg dh beralih to another phase in her life. mari kita tgg event thn dpn plak, yeah!!! i adalah fotografer x rasmi, di smpg bbrp lg fotografer tak rasmi yg lain. & i'm glad gmbr di bwh turns out ok despite d fact that i was distracted by cik berbaju pink (cik yg bertunang) cz she was too amazed with all d fresh flowers =) gmbr mahal ni tau!!!
baiklah cik cousin, nnt kita g Cameron Highlands ye thn dpn, petik bunga utk decorate kt brg hantaran anda... nk bunga kobis pn boleh ;)
& then, it's public holiday utk warga wilayah - Federal Territory Day. menghbskn masa with some frens at The Mines dgn tujuan sebnr adalah utk beli weddin gift for anothr fren. takyah pusg lama2 dlm The Mines, dh tau nk bg apa - BBQ set, hambik!!! nk bg periuk belanga, krg sama plak dgn org len. pinggan mgkk pn sama. peti ais? cmne nk angkut peti ais dlm kereta all d way to Perak? jd, we choose BBQ set... sng dibawa ke sana ke mari utk wt BBQ di rmh or g picnic or camping. lps dh decide nk bg apa, actvt bebas cz masa masih pnjg. so, we bought this...
still couldn't get it? ok... we did this... boat riding!!!
it was fun!!! sronok utk relax2 di siang hari masa org len sibuk bekerja, muahahaha....
then came chinese new year. i shuld hv waited untl midnight utk tgk mercun & bunga api & nyanyi lagu "damdamdum bunyi mercun" dlm ati. tp, mata dh terlalu ngantuk, "damdamdum bunyi mercun" hanya dlm mimpi, muahahaha ;)
finally... finally... trip to Perak utk hntr wedding gift kwn itu... alaaa, d BBQ set tu la. ahli rmbgn 4 org, naik kereta, gathered at Putrajaya as early as 8.15 a.m., stopped mkn nsk gorg (i bw bekal okeh) kt rstorn jejantas Sg. Buloh, continued our journey & smpi kt umh pengntn kul1. & agk confused tgk map dlm kad, jd dh terlps simpang konon2 nk ikut shortcut :( tp de 2 passengers yg lh jd GPS x rsmi, hehehe... kesmpulannye perjlnan agk challenging, especially when we headed back to KL... jln jammed & ujn lbt & ngantuk after lunch...
ahli rombongan |
d past week was great & fun & happening. i hope (&pray) that it'll continue supaya i lh nyanyi lagu "kalau anda gembira tepuk tgn" and clap-clap-clap everyday, heheheh...
"Happiness depends upon ourselves" ~ Aristotle