Monday, May 9, 2011

jordan-syria-madinah-mekah (Pt. 1)

i never got the chance to really update about the journey (KL-Jordan-Syria-Madinah-Mekah). still doing my best to get things done at the office... 2 weeks xde kt office weh, mcm2 nk kna settle/update. memandangkan perjlnan buat umrah cover jugak trip to Jordan & Syria, so harus divide into different update kot... skrg ni i citer experience kt jordan & syria la eh... next time i citer yg kt madinah & mekah.

flight i from KL turun kt jordan. fuhhhh!!!! 12 jam dlm flight, cmpr transit kt bangkok tp dok dlm fligt je cz xleh kuar pn... dan memberi rs sprti nk kematu kpd backside :( di saat2 xleh tido (wpun org lain semua cm syok je layan tido dlm flight), i pn tgk muvi. then tiba la saat mkn. then tido kejap. then bgn & tgk muvi lg & mkn. then tido kejap. then bgn tgk muvi lg & then trus xleh tido.... haish!!!

trip ni cuma ada 4 org warga muda. lain2 semua pangkat pakcik2&makcik2, tp semua sempoi!!! memandangkan i g dgn kwn yg sekepala gilo dgn i (wahai kwn, harap maaf), aktiviti berjln2 lbh byk membabitkn kami bergelak ketawa. kdg2 risau gk kot2 pakcik makcik igt both of us adalah remaja2 hyper, tp nsb baik x pernah dpt any remark psl kegilaan kami =) dan ada beberapa mkck yg CUBA nk tau berapa umur i *blush* dan ada gk mkck yg ckp "adik ni npk lg muda dr kami" *blush lg, hehehe*

jordan & syria adalah dingin... sejuk & dingin WPUN matahari terik memancar smpi menyukarkn nk bukak mata dlm gmbr, hahahaha... sejuk & dingin yg memberikn i keadaan idung berdarah setiap hari while i was there (perasaan yg agk tak best bila hidung berdarah everyday okeh). tp di bwh matahari terik tu la org2 syria suka ber"picnic"... picnic di tepi jln raya di bwh panas terik, picnic di tgh2 roundabout di bwh pns terik gk, picnic dan picnic dan picnic... smpi i agk panik tgk diorg picnic merata2, hehehehe... 

membeli belah kt syria pki syrian pound. tp they do accept US dollar as well. i? i guna USD jelah. mslhnye xtau nk ckp brg kt syria tu murah or mahal. let's see... eskrem yg 2 scoop tu USD1, air mineral botol besar tu USD1, erm... dah x igt dh apa lg yg USD1 cz i pn x beli brg byk pn. oh... eskrem sedap ke? okeh, kalau mengikut kwn i yg sama dlm trip ni, she said "ORG CKP eskrem kt syria ni sedap". so we tried... & i had 1scoop of pistachio + 1 scoop of stroberi. yg i leh ckp sedap adalah stroberi shj. yg pistachio lk, rs x seperti yg diharapkn, huhuhuhu...

food... erm... i obses dgn juice yg hotel bg for breakfast ;) most of the time, i xleh nk perabihkan food kerana, welllllll... they served large portion la... kalo ada 3org yg size perut dia cm i, we can share the same plate, hehehe. oho, ada sekali tu dpt nasik yg di"serve" bersama mknan lain & rs mmg fabulous ala2 cm Nandos. tp perut tak mengizinkan i utk mkn lbh byk. ayam yg restoran tu serve 3ketul for each of us tp i just mkn 1 je. agk rugi, kn... my fren and i have created our "BEST EVER" list... BEST breakfast EVER, BEST lunch EVER, BEST dinner EVER, BEST supper EVER, BEST juice EVER. byk benor menda yg BEST EVER berkaitan dgn mknan. npk sgt main sapu je amenda yg diorg serve, wakakakaka...

we went to many interesting places kt syria & jordan. went to makam salahuddin al-ayubi, bazar hudaibiyah, umayyad mosque (memang cntk la msjd ni), makam 2 org isteri rasulullah, gua Ashabul-Kahfi, Laut Mati, etc2. kesimpulannye, no words can describe betapa i rs sgt bersyukur for having the chance to visit these places.

okey, utk tatapan umum, some of the pictures taken at syria & jordan =) will update further later.

~ aiskrim ~

~ Umayyad mosque ~

~ Gunung Qasiyyun ~

~ Gua Ashabul-Kahfi ~

~ Laut Mati ~
~ Makam Nabi Shuaib ~
Have a nice day everyone!!!

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