when it comes to food, i categorized myself as d not-so-adventurous type... and also d pick-d-normal-stuff-u-eat type :) cnthnye, kalo i dh tau kedai mamak tu py megi gorg sedap, i will only order megi gorg during each visit... tidak akn order menda len. eh, tp air kna order la kn. minuman pilihan sure asyik2 teh tarik or teh o pns or milo pns je (tetap akn wt pilihan yg sma antara yg 3 ni). kalo i tau aym gorg berempah kt 1 particular kedai nasik lemak tu sedap, i order nasik lemak+aym gorg berempah je every time i go there. lauk2 lain (paru gorg berlada, kerang, aym gorg berlada, ikn sardin, etc2) sume i xkn amik. kalo g Nando's, pick-d-normal-stuff-u-eat akn menyebbkn i pilih quarter chicken (hot) with two side lines (rice & peri chips) and hot chocolate. kalo g Kenny Rogers, akn buat pilihan quarter chickn (original) with fresh fruit salad, mashed potato & baked beans, plus muffin chocolate and minuman pilihan Spring or Winter.
kelebihannye, tempoh diambil utk decide nk order pe nk mkn xkn mengambil masa yg lma cz i mmg akn mkn d same thing... smpi la i rs dh bosan giller mkn mnda yg sma. bila dh rs cm uiihh bosan asik amik d same aym gorg berempah je, i akn switch to other SAFE combination. safe in d sense that i ASSUME d combination adalah sedap so that during next visits i'll just stick 2 d same menu. bila nsk lemak + aym gorg berempah dh masuk list combination boring, i'll get lontong & sambal tumis sotong plak. akn pilih lontong, dan lontong, dan lontong, dan lontong lg... saaaaaaaaaammmmpai la bosan dh dgn lontong. then leh switch blk kpd nsk lemak + aym gorg berempah. seeee???!!! betapa tidak adventurousnye, hmmmm... dlm erti kata lain, bosan, hahaha... dan juga u-r-soooo-d-pick-d-normal-stuff-u-eat type.
recently, went to McD's drive thru and i ordered d same thing that i usually eat - McChicken + air Milo xnak ais. sll i order set regular je tp that day my sis ordered d large set so that both of us can share d fries and Milo. and then, there it was, d promotion for McDonald's Horlicks Crunch McFlurry terpampang kt dpn mata.

my sis asked d wrong person, ME, whether d McFlurry tastes nice ;) i ni dh le jarang2 giller mkn McFlurry (whatever flavour pn la). rsnye term ygg sesuai bkn "jarang2", tp "baru sekali dua", hahaha... memandangkn ada sedikit perasaan adventurous, we added d McFlurry and both of us shared d same cup. rasa dia... fuuuuuuhhhh!!!! giller sedap wehh!!!
d next day, g McD drive thru lg, semata2 nk beli McFlurry ni, boleh??? hahaha. malangnye, yg jg kaunter ckp mesin aiskrim rosak, so McFlurry xde. haishhh... ada2 jelah. d next day lg satu, lalu kt McD drive thru gk & nk beli McFlurry tu je. luckily d ice cream machine at this branch x rosak. dpt la enjoy McDonald's Horlicks Crunch McFlurry dlm keta. bahagia =)
i promo ni, sila try test cuba rs McFlurry ni. sedaaaaaaaaaapppp sgt2 (gnda 100). tp perigtn awl, bila dh nk abis, akn rs lbh manis compared to rs ice cream yg bhgn ats. d way i put it to describe kesedapn ice cream (d top part yg xmanis tu) - "sedap cz rs dia rilek2 je. xde la strong sgt". kalo nk tau cmne "rs rilek2" tu, go get d McDonald's Horlicks Crunch McFlurry. cepaaaat!!! limited time only.
(** tlg jgn stereotypekn i sbgi bdk yg sll mkn fastfood. trima kasih.)
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