1) 1st day - Bandung
We had Nasi Lemak on the plane. Sampai je kt Jakarta's Bandara Soekarno Hatta, pak supir (Pak Madi) was already there and he stopped at the rest area along the highway for lunch (mknan Padang). Memandagkn perut kami ni dh diisi dgn n. lemak, makanye mkn lunch pn sket jelah.
2) 2nd day - still at Bandung
We went to Gng Tangkuban Parahu. It was my 2nd visit to this place, so I know what 2expect. Tmpt ni dh bertambah cantik, dh ada proper tapak jual souvenir2.

Lunch at Restoran Simpang Raya. mak aiiiihhhh!!! rmi btul pakcik2 & makcik2 dr Malaysia wt rombongan&mkn at d same restaurant.masa tumpang nk smyg kt surau kt restoran tu, smpt la borak2 dgn makcik2 tu, hehehe... "owh, makcik ni org Johor rupanye" *wink2*
Pak Madi bw kitrg pusing2 area kampung2, tgk rumah2 org kt sana on our way to another places. so, x la kitorg tgk highway je, merasa gk tgk kwsn pedalaman2 ni. best!!! seronok!!! cm kagum dgn their lifestyle & rs bersyukur skjp, huhuhu...

continued our journey to another factory outlet...membeli brg2 utk diri sdiri & yg kwn2 mntk tlg beli. before dinner, Pak Madi drove us to Rumah Mode. it's not like the other factory outlets. kwsn exterior dia mmg cntk... ada tmpt leh dok2, bergmbr2, and guess who took our picture kt kwsn Rumah Mode ni (see below)? :)

Tima kasih Tuan Kedai, Abang yg tlg amik order, Abang yg tlg anta makanan, Abang yg tlg kira bil... Hatur Nuhun ;)

ermm... gonna continue with d 3rd journey some other day la ye... daaaaa!!!
1 comment:
errr.. alin dh gi ke ms depan ke? skrg ni br april 2010.. huhu.. rsy tuk thn lepas kn...
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