Wednesday, June 8, 2011

mmg power...

recently i went to "Promosi Kerja Kahwin" at Kompleks Kraf, Jln. Conlay. to those who do not know d place, it's d building next to Royal Chulan Hotel, the hotel where Serina (anak Chef Wan) held her wedding reception. if you still do not know it, then Googlemap it or use you GPS to go there, hahaha... ok diam, stop merapu. i sbnrnye nk ckp psl d event, yeah the "Promosi Kerja Kahwin". namanye mmg la "Promosi Kerja Kahwin" tp i went to the booths ALMOST EVERYDAY cz nk cari/cuci mata tgk kain & tudung. confession of a kain-addict... kain dan tudung mmg xleh nk dipisahkan dgn i, hahaha... ok, tipu... kalo kain kt Jln TAR i takleh nk addict sgt cz nnt masa g lunch/berjimba masa break pjg on Friday, ada je terjmp org yg pki baju sama dgn i. so, x leh nk addicted sgt kt kain2 kt Jln TAR. *haihhhh!!! shut up... sibuk divert citer je npknye ni*.

ok, i sbnrnye nk citer betapa amazed nye i during the event to see that most pengusaha nowadays use technology to promote their product/service. yg fotografer2 sume takyah ckp la kn... skrg ni if buat survey kerja pe yg leh bg side income menggalakkan, leh la jwb jd fotografer for events (especially wedding). sape2 yg berminat nk jd fotografer ni kena de passion (bkn ke mmg kna de passion in whatever we do?) & add some magical touch to your work, then sure org ckp "wahhh!!! mengagumkan!!! impressive la kerja ko". mostly diorg ni promo dgn amik gmbr artis2 kawen. tp, if x artis pun xpe gak, asalkan d end product yg dirg amik gmbr client tu jd cantik, gigi tersusun rapi, mata shining abis, then people will be talking and u know how powerful word of mouth is. tp akn lbh membantu dgn work of technology... create website/facebook/etc2. for the benefit of anyone reading this blog yg interested to get a photographer for your wedding/other events/functions/etc2, sila la tgk,, and

bkn tu je, butik yg offer wedding package mcm2 (baju, pelamin, hantaran, makeup, souvenirs, etc2 sekali harung) also have their own website skrg. canggih dh skrg ni... "zaman dah berubah", hahahah. jika berminat, sila tgk links such as (also can type "satri's anggun" in facebook), (or their fotopages:, or visit their facebook by typing "butik zielynn", and

as mentioned earlier, i jd pengunjung setia kt this event cz nk cari kain. raya kn dh dekat, hahaha... alasan!!! (pdhal baju raya bkn dh siap ke?) ok, mission accomplished mencari kain... beli 2 pasang AAAAANNNDDD tudung 2 helai. giller la!!! that's not the only mission i sepjg tgk event ni. mata i sbnrnye melilau tgk baju cntk kt patung (apsal kt patung je sure cantik?), then amik gmbr, then nk mntk makcik tailor tlg jahit bj cntk, design cm yg patung2 ni pki. sila la tgk bj2 cntk yg harga dia rm14000 ni, terbeliak mata weh... leh byr downpaymnt keta okeh!!! nk beli sure tak mampu la kn. nk jd artis glamer yg semua butik pn sggp nk sponsor baju i pun tak mampu gk rasanye. i ni mampu jd artis pe pn xtau, xde artistic talent lgsg *sigh* tp xpe, dah berjaya amik gmbr baju cntk2, skrg lh mntk makcik tailor jahit bj cantik utk i. yeah!!!

b4 i end, td kn dh ckp yg skrg ni semua pn promo service/product masing2 dlm website. maju btul business diorg ni. d power of technology is so amazing, u jz dont know how many people is reading/browsing through your site. tp if product yg satu ni pn de website sndiri, sure maju giller. tp xpe la makcik. makcik ni guna kaedah lama nk promo product dia pn i rs maju gk, skrg i mcm dh ter"obses" dh dgn product mkck ni. tp sayang ler xde website, huhuhu...
yeah!!! puding diraja ni mmg marvellous ok!!!


1 comment:

annasa said...

puding diraja mmg marvellous!sedap giller! mcm jakun xpenah makan :)