i sll rs yg high heels adalah cntk & menawan utk dipakai TETAPI it's not my type of shoes la (*besar btul TETAPI tu, kn). d problem is that i'm very picky when it comes to selecting shoes (bkn kah i mmg picky in soooo many other areas as well, especially FOOD? hmmm...). bila tgk kasut cntk, try kt kaki sndiri tetiba rs jd xcntk. bila tgk org pki peep toe, try kt kaki sndiri tetiba rs cm jari terkuar lbh dr sempadan kasut. bila tgk org berlari with killer heels, try kt kaki sndiri tetiba rs cm "whoaaa!!! this is killing me", muahahaha. other than my 3 pairs of high heels for work wear (2 tggl kt ofis & i use it alternately, 1 de kt umah incase i kna g meeting/seminar out of office), sneakers/casual shoes la yg jd pilihan i most of the times.
i sll berangan jd Cinderella. sbb pe berangan jd Cinderella??? yelah, Cinderella kn drpd comot2 tetiba tiiiiiingggg bertukar menjadi cntk, dgn glass slipper bagai. waaaahhh, imaginasi bila sebut glass slipper adalah kasut mcm ni:-
i sll berangan jd Cinderella. sbb pe berangan jd Cinderella??? yelah, Cinderella kn drpd comot2 tetiba tiiiiiingggg bertukar menjadi cntk, dgn glass slipper bagai. waaaahhh, imaginasi bila sebut glass slipper adalah kasut mcm ni:-
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cantik, kan??? |
i did some research on the good and bad of wearing high heels. check this out (source: here):-
- Tall look (membuat wanita2 kelihatan lbh tinggi dr ketinggian sebenar)
- Style (membuat wanita2 kelihatan lbh stylo/bergaya)
- Good body posture (melatih membentuk posture bdn yg lbh baik, so leh enhance lg beauty)
- Good looking legs (memberi impact sprti kaki anda lbh gorgeous)
- Complementary to clothes (mix & match dgn your clothings, then it'll make u look more beautiful)
- Foot pain (jika berterusan, leh bg hip pain plak)
- Difficulty in walking (leh increase chances of losing balance & terjatuh tatkala anda berjln)
- Back pain (akibat lower back yg di"pressure" bila anda pki high heels)
- Yellowing and misshapenness (body weight jatuh kt tumit bila anda pki heels, so heels jd kekuningan & keras, mcm ala2 nk kematu gitu)
- Leg sprain (punca utamanye adalah akibat wearing heels. NASIHAT BERGUNA: try to avoid high heels if u r not using ur own vehicle.
i'm a more practical person. jd, walaupun d advantages akn menyumbang ke arah i kelihatan lbh CANTIK MENAWAN (feeling2 Cinderella gitu), tp i lbh utamakn my HEALTH. jwpn standard bila org tanya knp i xpki 4inches heels - "nt betis i sakit", which is true actually. plus, i'm doing the walking most of the times. xpelah, i korbankan high heels cntk demi kesihatan kaki i (dan badanku juga), huhuhu...
tabik spring kt all who wear high heels with style, yeaaahhh!!! ;)
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