lps dh 2hari celebrate cousin's wedding kt umh d bride, now it's our turn as family pengantin lelaki 2b d host. it was a simple wedding reception. alhamdulillah, all went well. now cousin & his bride leh tarik nafas senang hati cz d big ceremony dh settle. lega.
actually not all 13 of us cousins were there yesterday. yg kna blk on duty kt spital dh blk melaka, yg kna amik exam msa abang dia kawen dh blk uni (x bes nye exam time abang kawen kn, huhuhu), yg br nk start orientation pg2 lg parents dh g hntr g orientation... agk xbes cz x semua yg ada :( tp wpun x cukup quorum, we still had great time when it comes to taking photos. tu kn acara wajib,muahahaha.
actually not all 13 of us cousins were there yesterday. yg kna blk on duty kt spital dh blk melaka, yg kna amik exam msa abang dia kawen dh blk uni (x bes nye exam time abang kawen kn, huhuhu), yg br nk start orientation pg2 lg parents dh g hntr g orientation... agk xbes cz x semua yg ada :( tp wpun x cukup quorum, we still had great time when it comes to taking photos. tu kn acara wajib,muahahaha.
~ nurse nk tlg doktor scrub tgn b4 wt operation ~
~ i'm wearing my heels, tp masih xcukup ketinggian ~
~ sape2 yg kna jwb exam/g orientation/on duty, jgn jealous ~

~ all loqlaq cousins (d bride blom bljr from us) ~
~ emmmm... sedapnyeeeeeeeeee ~
~ aigo, baby pn excited kt dlm perut la ~
~ adik2 soleh&solehah jd pengapit utk wedding abang ~
semua pn dh settle, rsnye dh xde wedding lg among us dlm wktu trdkt smpi end of d year kot. tp kalo ada pn wedding lg ujung thn ni, apa salahnye, alhamdulillah =) emmm... hopefully xde yg terkecik ati/meluat/menyampah/jealous bila tgk or bc this entry. khasnye utk cousins yg xdpt berada di tmpt kejadian, hehehehe. xpe, kita tgg next wedding lk. oh ye, we r still dlm bln berhari raya. so, kalo de yg terkecik ati, hrp diampunkn.
~ bermaaf-maafan la sesama kita, hehehe ~
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