wiken lps adalah wiken yg pjg... walaupn pjg, i tetap gtl smbg cuti lg 1hari semata2 utk bercuti. destinasi?
yeah, percutian yg dh diidam2kn sejak thn lps menjd kenyataan thn ni. "Holiday - Singapore" dh dlm target thn 2011 lg, tp cz xde kesempatan nk g, kna carry forward thn ni, 2012. skrg dh leh mark DONE kt sblh "Holiday - Singapore" dlm senarai thn 2012.
percutian dimulakan dgn bgn seawal kul4 pg on Sunday & bersiap cpt cz flight kul7.20a.m. smpi airport dh awl, masuk flight dh OK, tetiba pilot announced dat there was technicl problem & kna turun. alamaaakkk, spoil mood teruja. perut pn dh vibrate mntk mkn wpun dh bfast kt umah kul4.30 pg mkn roti telur 2 keping & baked beans. kt airport pn mkn seketul nugget aym ala2 xbrapa masak. by d time kul7.30 dgr announcemnt kna turun dr flight rs cm xpuas ati cz harapn nk smpi awal&mkn tidak kesampaian. owh ye, i py thp perut vibrate bila lpr sgt teruk. Xsempat nk smpi kedai mkn, sure dh kuar lagu pop, rock, keroncong, rap & apa segala. maka persediaan awl adalah pntg & i bw 1pack biskut Tiger (10 small packs inside), kek apollo 1 kotak (8 small packs inside), dan bun krim 4 ketul. leh nyanyi lagu Vitagen skrg - "sayangi perut anda setiap hari" :)
smpi kt Changi airport, took a shuttle straight to d hotel (SGD9/person). since we arrived at the hotel earlier than the check-in time, org hotel srh tgglkn beg&jln2 dulu& come back in another 2hours. memulakan lgkh to d nearest shopping area - Bugis Street. utk yg xpenah g, meh i describe cmne tmpt ni (utk yg dh pnah g, leh skip this description). Bugis Street ni cm kedai2 kt Sg. Wang la. byk kedai2 kecik2 jual souvenirs, bags, baju2, shoes, accessories, etc. tp utk kitrg nk mkn, xjmp tmpt la plak. i mean, kedai mkn yg halal. so kuar dr this shopping area & ikut je ke mana haluan kaki nk bw & finally jmp sorg Malaysian & we asked her where to get food. lps dh dpt direction, off we walked to Arab Street. jauh rupanye weh dgn berjln kaki. perut pn dh fed-up vibrate tp stil xdpt mknan, so perut trus diam membisu. smpi kt Arab Street, cari la restaurant Zamzam yg akak tu describe as best food so far. Zamzam ni kedai mamak. utk org cm i yg mkn kedai mamak, masuk je. utk kwn i yg sama2 with this trip tp kt Msia xmasuk kedai mamak, harus la menggagahkn diri utk mkn. or else, xtau bila lg dpt jmp food aftr that. portion nasik yg kedai ni bg mmg byk giller. wpun perut i vibrate melampau cz lpr b4 dpt food, tp kapasiti yg leh muat sikit je, so mkn pn xabis. tp stil kenyaaaannggg, *burp*... alhamdulillah.
bak kata lagu masa kecik2 dulu, "kenyang perut suka hati". jd dgn sukahati melangkah berjln smula blk hotel lps dh puas mkn nasik briyani ayam. smpi kt hotel, siap2 utk ke destinasi pertama - Orchard Road. (again, utk yg dh pnah g, leh skip this description). Orchard Road ni kwsn shopping cm area2 Bukit Bintang or Pavillion... designers boutique berlambak!!! it's a long stretch & kt tepi2 tu byk org berniaga eskrem (nyum, nyum), org wt show (belly-dancing, hulla hoop, singing, etc2). to describe Orchard Road in one word - "HAPPENING".
designer boutique |
kwn2 sggst i masuk kedai2 kt Orchard Road ni. if xnk beli pn xpe, leh window shop, just hang out & see & feel d way Sporean spend their Sundays. then u can start thinking, how much do they earn at Spore smpi lh menabur duit kt designers' boutique tnpa nk pkir pjg. there r items that r cheaper than in our country. mcm perfume. or electrical items. or camera. or handbag (if u convert it to our currency, it's stil slightly cheaper than in msia). kalau nk beli, silakan. kalo just nk wondering around d city cm i & then melepet kt Coffee Bean cz kaki skt dh berjln kaki ntah brp jauh, boleh jugak. worry not cz halal labels are displayed at all halal restaurants.
after Coffee Bean, stopped by at several shops along d corridor utk bergmbr/mencuci mata tgk2 brg and beli brg. tp bkn i la yg membeli, hehehe. i mmg asal2nye xde plan nk beli brg. so, walking along d Orchard Road 2see Singaporean spend their day/money sudah memadai.
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the crowd at Orchard Road on Sunday |
next, went to the Night Safari. memndgkn tmptnye agk jauh, dgn berhati2 bc map&pamphlets & tgk d easiest MRT stop utk g Night Safari. but d 1st stop we went to xde bus on that day (xphm knp xde bus sedangkn dlm pamphlet dh ckp can get the bus from dat stop on Sundays). jd kna naik MRT lg skali & took d bus from there to Night Safari. d experience there mmg best. tp utk yg nk amik2 gmbr, u cant use d flash. krg xpasal2 je binatang lari (or worst, terkam the tram. oh nooooo!!!) cz terkejut npk flash. there'll be a guide on each tram who'll provide descriptions about the animals.
b4 we went back to d hotel, had dinner kt restaurant dlm Night Safari ni. i had laksa yg menyelerakan, together with apple juice yg juga menyelerakan. terbaeeekkkk =) cukup la kenyang & hati pn gmbira dpt mkn laksa sesedap tu.
oh yeah, admission to Night Safari is SGD32. tp if u r a tourist & u bring a Night Safari pamphlet from your hotel & not forgetting your pasport as well, u r entitled for SGD3 discount ok. but the promotion ends 31 March 2012 ye. so what r u waiting for... cpt book ticket skrg... skrg jugak!!!
hey u, book ticket skrg okehhh!!! |
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