Thursday, February 16, 2012

2012's trip - Singapore (Pt. 5)

ok, here's d final part of my trip to Singapore. gonna give d guides based on my observation/experience during d trip.

getting around SG
u can choose 2walk or take d MRT/buses/taxi if u want 2go around SG. we didn't take d taxi cz MRT & bus dh cukup bgs for us. & we did a lot of walking around as well. we bought d Singapore tourist pass for 3days for SGD34. don't worry, u'll get ur refund (SG10) when u return d ticket/pass after ur 3rd day. so basically d card/pass just cost u SGD24 je & u can take bus/MRT/LRT to any stations, banyak2 kali pn xpe. if dh terslh turun station, no worries. no need 2buy different card. just use d same pass & u can get down kt station yg septtnye. see?!! satu kaedah pnjimatan if anda mmg yakin akn gna MRT/LRT/buses byk2 kali sepjg trip to Singapore.

mbe org len suka advnture, berjln2 kt negara org without map. during my trip to Singapore, byk jmp backpackers & they hv maps 2go around d country. i tergolong dlm kelompok yg sma, map mmg penting pd i. xperlu nk kna hebat sgt tau exact location korg dlm map ktne. cukup la kalo nama jln/bgnn/facilities berhmpirn dgn lokasi korg berdiri tu de display dlm map. then u can try 2figure out d direction and get d easiest/shortest route 2where u wanna go. kalo dh xtau sgt, ty je org. itulah gunanye cikgu2 ajr gna PLEASE and THANK YOU supaya korg leh ty "can u show me d direction to Arab Street PLEASE?" & then say "THANK YOU" bila org tu dh bg jwpn. ingat, even if org tu ckp dia xtau, tetap ckp "THANK YOU" okeh... berbudi bahasa amalan kita =)

i've been to several countries yg kemudahan toilet x mcm kt Msia. even if xde hose kt toilet KLCC, atleast still ada air utk menyucikn diri. tp kt negara2 yg i pnah g (othr than indonesia), paip air mmg xde dlm toilet but they provide tissue. so, kita kna lbh bersedia dgn botol air mineral yg kecik tu dlm beg SETIAP MASA. if yg tgh "bulan mengambang", sure suspen kn bila masuk toilet tgk2 xde paip/air. kt Singapore, ada certain toilet ada paip/air dlm toilet. tp kebanyakannye xde. so, standby la botol air mineral dlm beg ye.

Kiblah compass
i brought along my own kiblah compass during my visit to SG (and also last visit to Melb). dh tntu2 dlm hotel xde kiblah direction, that's y better 2bring your own. lgpn kn senang if let say dh terdesak nk kna smyg dlm fitting room or kt dpn tmn bunga (cnthnye). tp bw kiblah compass je xcukup if korg x check dulu reading for kiblah direction b4 your trip.

once u reach your hotel, amik je pamphlets apa yg hotel tu display. sometimes good deals/packages being offered during your stay. walaupn dpt discount SGD3 je (cnthnye), a discount is still a discount =) bila g tourist attrctions pn, amik je apa pamphlets yg ada kt entrance/ticket counter (mcm kt Universal Studio). u'll find useful info yg akn senangkn korg dlm pamphlets (cnthnye ktne nk dpt mknan halal kt Universal Studio). bila dh nak blk kmpg halaman/tnh tumpah darah sndiri, tgglkn je pamphlets tu kt bilik hotel if korg rs dh xnk lg. or, kalo baik hati, leh bg kt kwn2/sanak sedara yg de possibility akn g negara tu.

i guess that's about all. kalo de persoalan lnjt, leh tanya. if i tau jwb, i jwb. if x, i'll ask my talian hayats but kna bersabar cz diorg lmbt sket reply/bg feedback. i enjoy my trip to Singapore. hope u do too. bye.

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