2nd day at Singapore was spent at d Universal Studio. we've already bought a package for Universal Studio + MEMA (both at Sentosa island) tickets online. therefore no need to queue for the ticket anymore (and yes, confirm leh masuk cz ko mmg dh de tiket). & memandangkn nk spend seharian kt Universal Studio, so kna dtg Sentosa island lg skali for another day utk ke MEMA. therefore we decided to try different mode of trasportation to reach there on both days.
1st day to Sentosa
Destination: Universal Studio
Transportation: Sentosa Express (at Sentosa Station, VivoCity)
if u wanna go via Sentosa Express, d ticket is SG3 (return ticket) and board it at Sentosa Station (VivoCity L3). kalo surf website USS, akn dpt this detail (plus other details on how to go to Sentosa island). dinasihatkn book tiket awl2 or try get an online deal (like us) so that anda2 mmg confirm2 leh masuk (& x nanges gigit jari cz tetiba dh xde tiket masa korg smpi dpn kaunter). if dh Public Holiday pjg kt Msia, mustahil la tmpt ni xpenuh. x caye?
the USS is divided into seven sections (Hollywood, Madagascar, Far Far Away, The Lost World, Ancient Egypt, Sci-Fi City, and New York), each with different attractions, merchandise stores and restaurants. once korg dh masuk to USS, don't forget to get the pamphlets. pamphlets dia sgt lgkp, showing the map of the seven sections and all facilities available (surau included). most importantly, utk org cm i yg perut xleh cntrl lapar ni, all d halal restaurants are shown on the map dlm pamphlet tu. so, penting ni... kna amik pamphlet, ok. besides d pamphlet, don't forget to grab the list of shows available on that day. korg leh bajet timing nk queue utk main then berlari2 la ke tmpt nk tgk show yg korg suka. among the attractions yg i suka:

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thp keberanian rndh, so i didn't try that crazy ride |
we enjoyed the Shrek 4D show. interesting. seronok. bes giller =) u'll get the special 4D glasses utk dptkn effect sebenar. reminder eh, utk sape2 yg rs rimas kena tempias bersin in that show, sila cover muka anda dgn kain/tisu siap2 once u have been seated. utk ibu mengandung or yg de masalah kesihatan pn leh tgk as there'll b special seating area for these groups. show lain yg menarik yg i suka adalah:-
this ~ stunt mmg superb. they r paid 2do it
and this ~ abg2 ni menari cool giller
and this ~ sooooo cute
all merchandise stores sell interesting stuffs, depending on which section it's located. u can get it for yourself (bukti anda g USS) or can get it for friends/families/dear one. if nk rs feel2 pgg Oscar konon menang Best Actress ke, u can get it at one of the merchandise stores at Hollywood section.
when u r at USS, don't forget to pose with the familiar characters. tak dpt bergmbr dgn original cast pn, dpt bergmbr dgn look-alike pn, jadilah =)
tp yg agk scary, ini...
kalo xnk beratur pjg 2wait for d rides and/or shows, i suggest u come during wktu2 pelik... jgn la dtg msa long holiday cm i g br ni. we didn't try all rides. tp kalo jns org yg suka nk try semua rides and ada tu nk kna tgg smpi 45 minit b4 leh masuk (yeah, we didn't try d Transformers ride cz nk kna tgg smpi 45minit), agk tercbr la jugak kesabaran kot. yg jenuhnye cz nk kna queue, main tu xsmpi pn 5minit. msa queue tu jgn la nk prasan "ala, simple je nk main ni. xmencabar pun". we tried one ride, the "Accelerator"... msa queue, dlm ati terdetik rs "huh, cenggini je ke? apa yg mencabarnye?!!" dh kt dlm seat tu br tau pening tak pening bila menda tu pusing, hahahaha....
all in all, Universal Studio Singapore best. & fun. & sgt memberi rs cm jd budak2 blk smula, hahaha. utk org yg xpenah g Universal Studio/Disneyland kt tmpt lain (mcm i), this would be d closest i can get to have a feeling of going to Hong Kong Disneyland, cnthnye =)
blk ke hotel, kaki cm nk tercabut. after mgrb, bersiap2 & gagahkn diri berjln to Bugis Street again. we wanted to see Bugis Street at night & check out what things that we can buy there. ultimate goal adalah utk cari food. tetap gk x jmp kedai mkn org kitrg. x sanggup dh nk jln kaki lg to Arab Street (like d day b4), so menggunakan talian hayat utk tau ktne nearest tmpt yg rs2nye ada restaurant yg kitrg lh mkn. akhirnye tmpt mkn cuma seberang jln je. it's called Bugis Junction, a shopping mall actually, yg ada foodcourt & ada aunty ni jual Nasik Padang (halal). nsb baik!!! if x, kebuloq & nanges b4 tido, hahaha...
next entry, our 3rd day in SG. bye.
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