Friday, May 25, 2012

~ rentetan from post "ignorance is bliss" ~

previous entry on sape itu donna summer & sape nyanyi lagu "i will survive" adalah bukti betapa tidak terupdate nye i on certain things/news/issues/happenings. usually i akn jd org yg cm dlm kekeliruan a.k.a BLUR dgn apa yg org diskus cz thp ignorance i on d things being discussed adalah sgt tinggi. i sll rs yg kalo an issue/news/things/happenings tu x related to me, i xyh tau pn xpe. tp bile i terselit di celah2 org yg sgt updated about d issue/things/news/happenings, i would be like "ooohhh...cmtu ke?", "oooohhh...xtau pn", "ooohhhh... ntah, xpnah dgr lk", etc2. pttkah rs malu dgn diri sndiri cz thp ignorance sebegini tinggi? hmmm...

knp i wt additional entry about "ignorance is bliss" ye? sbb, recently i had a small talk with one lcturer at my office. we were discussing about work, when he suddenly said to me "Nur, i ni last person yg tau psl mnda ni kt cni. even about apa2 menda pn la, i sll jd d last to know. wife i pn ckp cmtu". (** i suka bila dia sll pggl i Nur & trus i dpt feeling cm jd pompn plg bercahaya. muahahaha!!! eh... eh...gelak syaiton lk terkuar). tetiba fr discuss psl kerja, tkr jd sesi curhat for nearly 10minutes. agk mengejutkn, coming fr someone who holds high position utk curhat kt i yg cm ikan bilis ni je. lbh mengejutkn when he said that dia pnah ilg kwn bcz of perangai dia yg pkir mcm i - "ignorance is bliss". i didnt expct la kwn boleh buang kwn just bcz kekerapan keeping in touch adalah rendah.

well, utk org mcm i (and this Professor), we dont keep ourselves updated with news about friends/family mmbrs sgt2. mgkn org rs mcm menyombong, mcm "heh, ko rs ko bgs sgt la smpi xnk cntct kitrg". but we treat it as a way that as a friend (or family mmbr), we r respcting anothr friend's (or family mmbr's) privacy. kalo hang nk ceghita, aku dengaq. hang x chegita, pn aku no hal (cz mbe akn ada org len updet kt aku. even xde org updet kt aku, pn aku stil no hal). i pn bkn la baik thp dewa yg x bergosip hal kenkwn lgsg. ada gk sesi girl talk yg sllnye jd sesi "menganyam ketupat" skali, or sesi curhat cz lpskn geram/sedih. tp it's not up 2 d point (so far blom lg la) yg i nk rs skt ati "ooo, ko x updet aku citer ko eh". at d end of d day, i masih akn jd gadis BLUR itu, yg akn ty "oooo... cmtu ke?, "ooooohhh... xtau pn", "oooohhh...ntah, xpnah dgr lk".

b4 we ended our curhat session, i ada bg response to what he told me. & tetiba both of us were saying d same sentence at d same time:-
"if it doesnt invlv or relate to me, why should i be bothered about it"
mknanye, both of us (Professor & i yg ala2 ikn bilis ni) ada pemikiran yg sma. we feel that kalo smthng tu xberkaitan dgn org2 cm kami, it doesnt bother us if we dnt knw abt it. and even if i know a story/secret frm d person himself/herself, i try my best elak jd org yg menyampaikan cerita tu kt org len lk. i cnsider it as d person's secret/story, and not mine. so, why should i yg g citer kt org? xyh la i lk nk g jual citer tu smpi nk bg 1kmpg tau. kalo dia nk ceghita sndiri, biaq p la dia ceghita secret tu kt org len sndiri. yg pntg, bkn i yg jd agen penyampai berita/rhsia tu.

i might be d minority here (cmpr skali dgn lcturer tu, and probably others who fall into d same category like us) and i apologize if smhw u dnt agree to this kind of thinking. but i still survive and i will survive, walaupun i akn kelihatan sgt dlm kekeliruan a.k.a BLUR once org discuss d news/issues/things/happenings dgn i. tp kalo ada kenkwn or family mmbr yg skt kronik/ditmpa kesusahan/malapetaka, kalo hang x ceghita kt aku, part tu mmg lh wt naik darah dowhhhh!!! i x updet myslf with your story doesnt mean that i dnt care. sob...sob... pls jgn slh tanggapan kt saya... sob... sob... T__T

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