Monday, May 28, 2012

~ rentetan dr post "sell fish boleh, tp jgn SELFISH ~

i sll dpt pesanan2 kata2 hikmah sprti:-
"don't do to others what you don't want others do to you"

& sometimes i dpt pesanan2 sprti:-
"bila org buat tak baik kt kita, kita jgn bls balik"

as being told in d previous entry, smthing happened last friday... yg menyakitkn ati... & i ended up tido mlm tu dgn hrpn mnda yg annoying tu akn lesap gone with the wind, eh... gone with the dream (dream that i always forgot d next mrning, hehehehe)... nsb baik i x ikutkn sifat amarah i that friday. sure syaitonirrajim hampa xleh tepuk tgn cz i x ikut hasutan amarah :)

i didn't asked anyone utk wt revenge bg pihak i. tp today i got 2know that others act, as a result of what happened to me. hmmmm... lesson learnt:-
"bila org buat tak baik kt kita, kita jgn bls balik. sooner or later d person will get his/her due punishment"

peringatan utk semua:-
buat baik berpada2, buat jahat jgn sekali =)

b nice!!! & take care.

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