ever since I was small, art mmg x berapa boleh nk sebati dgn I. thp creativity I adalah limited kpd colouring and conteng2 je. sllnye mnda2 yg melibatkn creativity ni I bg je kt sape yg lbh hbt... I nk senang2 je, hehehehe. having family members yg lbh creative xprnh lgsg buat I rs nk emulate diorg utk nk jd creative gk.
atas sbb "perlu mendidik anak2 utk develop creativity", my father sent my sister and I to drawing class ms kecik. hasilnye? my sister semakin hbt dan I tetaaaaap gk xleh nk jd lbh kreatif. drawing class yg kitrg attend to every Saturday je. pttnye 2jam for each class, tp sbb uncle yg ajar tu is a fren of my father, jd la class selalu extend sbb diorg borak2 while tgg kitrg settle drawing/coloring lesson for that day.
my sister's creativity is not only limited to drawing. she can design business card/t-shirt for printing. she made her own hantaran for her wedding. she made my baju kurung looked lbh "up" sket dgn jahit manik2. tu just part of her creative works yg I tau....

~ these are d hantaran she made for her wedding ~
recently, I menguji thp kreativiti I dgn g buat batik coloring. design dh mmg sedia ada, I just choose je yg mna I nk & start d coloring process. I took nearly two hours to complete coloring the piece. tujuan asal I made this is to sell it for charity drive sale dkt ofis. tp memandangkn xde yg beli, I plan to donate my 1st coloring-work to one hospital's paediatric ward.
kalo nk buat aktiviti batik coloring ni, u can do so at Kompleks Kraf Jln Conlay, KL. kalo xtau d location, d nearest landmarks are Royal Chulan Hotel and Pavilion KL.
.I jst realized that it's not easy to make a nice 4-meter batik piece.
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