Wednesday, December 19, 2012

~ 5 years today ~

it has been 5 years today... 19 Dec 2007 to 19 Dec 2012.
i made my first pasport 5 years ago. tujuan buat pasport ms tu cz nk g Bandung, Indonesia for my office trip. since then, kebnykn trip i g Indonesia je... Bandung twice, Jogjakarta twice, Jakarta once. pasport i ada byk stamp from imigresen Indonesia, hahaha.
once my father told me, "pegi la tempat lain pulak... Hong Kong ke, mna ke". alhamdulillah, i dpt g Australia and Singapore. once my aunt told me, "asyk g Indon je. pegi la buat umrah". alhamdulillah, i dpt g wt umrah, and visited beautiful places (& meet nice people) in Syria and Jordan.
i can't tell which trip gave me the most memorable moment. to be frank, each trip has been special. d places i've visited... the people who went with me (walaupun ada trip yg i g sorg2)... the people i met during the trip... the pictures taken... crazy things done during the trip... all of it, semuaaaaaaanye special.
moment plg syahdu of course la when i went for umrah. moment plg berjimba, g Singapore. moment plg rs mcm sgt adult sekali, msa g Jogja to accompany my cousin for the oath taking ceremony. moment plg sgt suka hati berbelanja, ms g Bandung. moment plg rs mcm ratu, ms g Jakarta. moment plg rs mcm woahhhh super cool i survive sorg2, ms g Melbourne. moment plg rs mcm sgt educational visit, ms g Syria and Jordan =)
so, thank you allah for the good health given to me. with it i'm able to travel with ease. thank you allah for the people whom have accompanied me on each trip. with them i'm able to enjoy my time. thank you allah for the adorable people whom i've met during each trip. from them i learnt things that i've never known. thank you allah for the money that you have given me. with it, i'm able to travel, see all the things you've created, and buy things/souvenirs for family and friends and myself. thank you. thank you. thank you.
.should i renew my pasport for just another year, or 5 years straight?

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